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Naturally, everypony knows the story of how Twilight Sparkle met her friends, and how they all became the Elements of Harmony. The very subject is now taught in schools around Equestria, much to the chagrin of Twilight's children.

But not many ponies know of the story behind how Twilight ended up in a relationship with both Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Now, her three children are going to hear that story. Whether they want to or not. Even if it takes nine more seasons.

Suit up.
This was meant to be my entry for the AppleDashLight group contest.
Cover art edited from a picture by niegelvonwolf.

Chapters (1)

In the wake of victory comes defeat. Twilight's home is destroyed, and she is devastated. Perhaps this is the worst day of her life...


Chapters (1)

It's been nearly a year since Twilight Sparkle entered the newest phase of her adulthood: princessdom. And with that change come a lot of other changes, big and small.

However, there is one thing that hasn't changed: her bedtime.

When Twilight's foreign-born mother, Twilight Velvet, comes to visit, all Tartarus breaks loose in the Sparkle household after Twilight comes home late from a party. Unfortunately for everypony involved, neither mare is backing down--at least, not without a few good shouting matches.

Story edited by John Perry, Roger Dodger, and Nick Nack (they are all beautiful men deserving of your love).
Picture edited by me. Twilight Velvet vector by TrueDesknight. Twilight Sparkle vector by Flutterflyraptor. Library background by Martinnus1 (they are all beautiful peoples deserving of your love).

Comments are always, ALWAYS appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Rarity discovers Sweetie Belle reading an inappropriate comic and decides that it is her moral obligation to tell the world that it's not allowed to exist due to immoral material, but not all of her friends are on board.

Will she succeed? Or will Rarity realize that she's blowing things out of proportion.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm not sure if this is a good idea or a bad one. All I know is I had the idea to write it at three in the morning and I did so in one sitting so let's see if my tired brain is smarter than my not-so-tired brain? Not just a reflection of recent events so much as my view on censorship as a whole.

AUTHOR'S SECOND NOTE: I did not intend this as a trolling thing or anything, but I have to say the reactions I am getting from this fic are positively delicious! Your collective love/hate is enough to make this writer shed tears of joy!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's latest flying routine was interrupted by a sudden mountain, and Twilight can hardly sleep at night. No pony should be this excited to play with necromancy.

Edited by Deceased and JustAnotherTimeLord.

Cover art courtesy of pony-berserker.

Dramatic reading by WritingStylus

Polish translation by atom2004
Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi
Russian translation by NovemberDragon

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis has kidnapped Celestia, so she has Twilight Sparkle right where she wants her!

And Celestia really doesn't want to hear about it.

A bit of silliness that I wrote in about four hours, trying to get rid of a writers block.

Edited and Proofread by Level Dasher.

Chapters (1)

Life isn't fair when you're a teenage pony. Your sister forces you to host a sleepover for your most hated enemy. Your father browbeats you into trying to 'make friends' with the bully that makes your life hell.

At least Diamond Tiara has Silver Spoon, for support. And Sweetie Belle has friends like Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They bring support, both moral and alcoholic.

The punch is spiked. Tongues are being held. Ponies are on edge. All this sleepover needs is a spark to break the fragile truce between two fillies who will never, ever be friends.

Never ever . . .

(notes and minor spoilers further down)

(Written and developed in the same 'Universe' as Einhander's story, Royals. Story takes place after the events of Royals. Reading previous story recommended, not required. Original idea developed from FrostMane.

Marked sex for teenage sexual content. Marked teen for teenage content. Teen teen teenage teen. It's a coming-of-age story with a first kiss and some underage alcohol. Diamond is from this picture, with some small alterations. The whole pic is a composite of Google images, so I didn't add all the source URLs. If I used your art, and you want a credit, I'll add one.)

Chapters (1)

Ever had one of those days where everything's just gone wrong, one problem after another?

Of course you have.

Ever had one of those days when you wake up to find you've accidentally switched places with your counterpart in a world where you and all your friends are stallions?


Maybe that's just Twilight, then.

But the Princess of Magic isn't going to let a little thing like being in the wrong universe ruin her day. She has a schedule - a checklist! - and it matches up with this Dusk Shine's perfectly. Apart from the names and the genders, everything seems to be a match, and Ponyville has seen much weirder things since she moved here.

Being stallions or mares shouldn't make her friends that different. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Factory

Cloudsdale Weather Corporation has been running without incident for over twenty years. That is, until two foals manage to avoid being processed and find themselves in the haunted bowels of the massive facility. Can they make it out of the abandoned factory with their sanity intact? Will they uncover the secrets even a company as dark as the CWC is ashamed to keep? And what of the workers who help ensure that, in the end, not a single soul gets through...

Love the series? Buy the book!

[TVTropes Article][Plagen Shiki's Reading][The Song Inspired by the Story]

Chapters (5)

Diamond Tiara has always enjoyed picking on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But one day, she finds she's gone too far, and everything for her comes tumbling down. But help may come from the most unexpected of places...

Started before season four, and does not take season four canon into account.

This story is 100% Diamond Cutters Approved!
Note: If reading this inspires you to write your own Diamond Tiara fanfics with similar premises, send me a link, as I'd love to see them. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (19)